108 ‘Mrityunjoy’ ambulance services complete 13 years in Assam

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The GVK-EMRI 108 “Mrityunjoy” Services completes 13 years of saving lives in Assam on 6th Nov’21. GVK Emergency Management and Research Institute (GVK EMRI) started in April 2005 to provide integrated emergency response services in a Public-Private Partnership mode with a Vision to provide leadership to Save 1 million lives per annum Nationally and establish GVK EMRI as a Premier Research and Training Institute in Emergency Management in Public-Private Partnership framework.

This service was made available to the people of Assam, upon signing a memorandum of understanding (MOU) by the Government of Assam and GVK-EMRI on July 8, 2008. Presently it has 793 road ambulances all across Assam and 7 boat ambulances.

A completely free service where, anyone, anywhere in the state can call the toll-free number 108 for all emergency and pregnancy-related requiring home to hospital and hospital to hospital transfer. 108 number is accessible from a landline, mobile phone, local telephone booth and can be dialed without any prefix or suffix. Within a span of eleven years, it has become a lifeline for the people of the state and helped in changing the attitude and perception in health delivery mechanisms and creating an environment of building the competency in providing pre-hospital care. It has generated ample opportunity for accessibility and timely emergency service in an organized way and saved thousands of lives in the state since its inception.

Details from 6th Nov’08 to 31st Oct’ 2021:
• No of existing Surface Ambulances – 793
• No of Boat Ambulances operational – 7
• Lives Saved – 1,79,684
• Emergencies attended – 46,54,126
• Pregnancy cases handled – 17,66,430
• Deliveries Assisted – 47,747
• Road Traffic Accident cases handled – 2,74,565
• Cardiac Related Cases Handled – 1,66,248
• Acute Abdominal Cases Handled – 6,41,346
• Respiratory Cases – 1,50,802

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