United Liberation Front of Asom-Independent (ULFA-I) has released an official statement in regards to the abduction of the three employees of Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) employees.
The official statement read that to avoid the ambush that was undertaken by the security forces in search of the three victims, the ULFA(I) cadres had left the three in the Singkho village of Mon District, Nagaland in the Indo-Myanmar border.

ULFA(I) has said that security forces including Assam Rifles and Nagland Police launched a massive operation in the Mon District. Amidst firing from 10 pm to 2:30 am last night the cadres left the three abducted employees safely with the villagers and retreated. ULFA(I) has claimed that firing yet continued till much later.
That only two of the three victims have been rescued, namely Alakesh Saikia and Mohini Mohan Gogoi, while the whereabouts of Ritul Saikia remains unknown. ULFA(I) had claimed that Saikia must have either been killed in the firing or must have been with the security forces who haven’t disclosed the same.
The outfit has thus shedded all responsibilities of Saikia and has blamed ONGC instead, saying that the corporation will have to bear the consequences.