Indian Army, Assam Rifles working round the clock to bring normalcy in Manipur

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“Together for Peace in Manipur”

Army in consultation with state government and all stake holders has worked out fresh & elaborate security measures to address the fears of members of all communities especially those staying in fringe vulnerable areas outside Imphal. Stringent measures & inter alia a robust multi agency int grid is in place to ensure continuance of ‘hard earned’ peace in Manipur. Over 128 Army & Assam Rifles Columns, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles & RPAs have been relentlessly engaged in Area Domination to ensure early restoration of complete normalcy. Long duration patrols, appropriately equipped & grouped with Riflewomen of Assam Rifles, were sent to fringe vulnerable areas identified in consultation with state government in the past 72 hrs. These area domination patrols visited villages across communities, interacted with locals, women & influencers, not only to reassure them of their safety but also to provide the much-needed succor.

Rendering medical assistance ‘in situ’ by para medics including undertaking prophylactic medical evacuation were some amongst many activities that were undertaken by these patrols. Fring incident of violence at Saparmeina was immediately responded by Security Forces & brought under control. While locals across communities have expressed their yearning for lasting peace, following measures, in particular, are in place to thwart any misadventure attempt by inimical elements :-

Day and night area domination.

Surveillance over designated flash points.

Engagement with CSOs of all communities across Manipur.

Employment of quadcopters, tracker dogs & UAVs.

Domination of Indo Myanmar Border is also being effectively undertaken to deter any misadventure from Insurgent groups. Round the clock vigil through domination patrols & employment of UAVs, quadcopters & tracker dogs have significantly contributed towards deterring various insurgent groups in taking advantage of the prevailing situation.

Indian Army also appeals to all sections of population of Manipur to support the efforts of Security Forces in sustaining the hard earned peace & promoting harmony & quell any attempt to spread hate/ misinformation being directed  either towards them or spreading hatred towards each other in general.

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